피어스카운티 비상임대지원 프로그램


피어스카운티 비상임대지원 프로그램

회장ㅣ케이전 0 8271

피어스 카운티 비상 임대 지원 프로그램

COVID-19 긴급 상황에서 임대료를 지불  수 없는 자격이 되는 Pierce County 가구를 위한 Pierce County 응급 임대 지원 프로그램집주인 / 부동산소유자에게 직접 지불됩니다자격을 얻으려면 현재 가구 소득이 지역 중간 소득의 80% 이하이어야합니신청자는 실업 보험 급여 명세서와 같은 임대 계약서사본  소득 손실 또는 소득 감소를 뒷받침하는 공식 문서를 제출해야합니다임금의 손실을 증명해 주는 최근 급여 명세서나 실직해고 또는 고용 장소 폐쇄에 대한 기록이 있는 고용주로부터의 편지 /이메일도 괜찮습니다.

적용하려면 : https://www.cognitoforms.com/PCHSHomelessPrograms/EmergencyRentalAssistanceProgramApplication


Veterans Emergency COVID-19 Assistance program / 재향 군인 긴급 COVID-19 지원 프로그램

Veterans Emergency COVID-19 Assistance program for eligible Pierce County military or veteran households who cannot pay rent or a mortgage payment during the COVID-19 emergency. Program recipients are eligible to receive 3 months of emergency rent / mortgage assistance. Payments are made directly to landlord / property owners. Household income must fall at or below 100% Area Median Income. Applicants are asked to submit

DD214; Rental Agreement or mortgage statement; Document supporting loss or decreased wages, such as: unemployment insurance benefit statement; recent paystub documenting decrease in wage earning, letter/email from employer documenting job loss, layoff, or closure of place of employment).

To apply:



재향 군인 긴급 COVID-19 지원 프로그램

COVID-19 긴급 상황에서 임대료 또는모기지 담보 대출 지불을 할 수 없는Pierce 카운티  또는 재향 군인 가족을 위한 지원 프로그램프로그램 수혜자는개월 동안 긴급 임대 / 모기지 지원을 받을  있습니다집주인 / 부동산 소유자에게 직접 지불됩니다가구 소득은 지역 중간 소득의 평균 이하이어야합니다.지원자는 DD214; 임대 계약서 또는 모기지 명세서손실 또는 감소 임금을 뒷받침하는 문서(예를 들면, 임금의 손실을 증명해 주는 최근 급여 명세서나 실직해고 또는 고용 장소 폐쇄에 대한 기록이 있는 고용주로부터의 편지 / 이메일)와 같은 서류를 제출해야 합니다. 

적용하려면 : https://www.cognitoforms.com/PCHSHomelessPrograms/VeteransEmergencyCOVID19AssistanceProgramApplication


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