킹카운티에서 제공하는 그랜트 9/28/2020 마감입니다.


킹카운티에서 제공하는 그랜트 9/28/2020 마감입니다.

회장ㅣ케이전 0 6863

Round 2: Working Washington Small Business Grants – King County deadline 9/28/2020


King County businesses with 20 or fewer employees can apply for the grant. Grant amounts will not exceed $10,000 total per business and is made possible by the Federal CARES Act. Nonprofits are not eligible for this program.


To be eligible for consideration, qualifying small businesses must:

  • Employ 20 or fewer employees
  • Be licensed to do business in Washington State
  • Provide proof that it has been impacted by COVID-19


If selected for an award, a successful business must be able to answer “yes” to the following questions:

  • The expense is connected to the COVID-19 emergency.
  • The expense is “necessary” to continue business operations.
  • The expense is not filling a shortfall in government revenues (i.e. taxes, licenses, state, county, federal and/or city fees).
  • The business will self–attest that the expense is not funded by any other funder, whether private, state or federal.


To apply: https://seattlemetrochamber.formstack.com/forms/fcasbegp_small_business

To view the questions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HBkUwxx2ijxS_SF1fe3R1l_2hBRgmurz/view?ts=5f691671


라운드 2 : 워싱톤 소규모 기업 보조금 – King County 마감일 9/28/2020

직원이 20  이하인 King County 사업체는 보조금을 신청할  있습니다교부금은 기업   $ 10,000 초과하지 않으며 연방 CARES 법에 의해 가능합니다비영리 단체는이 프로그램에 참여할  없습니다.


고려 대상이 되려면 자격을 갖춘 중소기업이 다음을 수행해야합니다.

  • 직원 20  이하
  • 워싱턴 주에서 사업을  수있는 면허 취득
  • COVID-19 영향을 받았다는 증거 제공


수상 후보로 선정  경우 성공적인 비즈니스는 다음 질문에 ""라고 답할  있어야합니다.

  • 비용은 COVID-19 긴급 상황과 관련이 있습니다.
  • 비즈니스 운영을 계속하려면 비용이 "필요"합니다.
  • 비용은 정부 세입 ( : 세금면허카운티연방  / 또는시 수수료) 부족분을 채우지 않습니다.
  • 기업은 민간 또는 연방 여부에 관계없이 다른 자금 제공자가 비용을 지원하지 않는다는 것을 자체 증명합니다.


신청 사이트https://seattlemetrochamber.formstack.com/forms/fcasbegp_small_business

신청 질문을 보려면https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HBkUwxx2ijxS_SF1fe3R1l_2hBRgmurz/view?ts=5f691671


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